The iGST2024 conference encourages submissions of high-quality and timely contributions from all genetics and related disciplines. iGST2024 will cover the following topics specifically:
1. Human and medical genetics
2. Forensic genetics
3. Pharmacogenomics and precision medicine
4. Plant genetics and breeding
5. Animal and wildlife genetics
6. Biotechnology and microbial genetics
7. Systems biology and bioinformatics
8. Biodiversity
9. Population genetics and evolutionary genetics
10. Education and general genetics
- Registration and submissions must be performed via the online submission system by EDAS.
- Two types of contribution are accepted: abstracts or full papers. The full paper will be published in a proceedings book. Both must be prepared in English.
- All submissions are subjected to peer review.
- Reviewers' comments and suggestions will be notified by email and updated on the status of the online submission system. We strongly encourage participants to check our website and regularly log in to the system to ensure prompt revision of the work.
- No changes to the paper type and content will be allowed after acceptance.
- Once the abstracts are accepted, at least one of the authors must register for and present at the conference.
- Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt, including an abstract reference number.
- There is no limit to the number of abstracts submitted to the conference for review.
- For full-paper submission, after the committee's review, if more than one paper is accepted, you will need to pay a registration fee for each additional paper (i.e., for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th papers – not the 1st). Please note that this applies only to papers that you are presenting as the first author or corresponding author, not as a co-author.
- Please note that the proceeding should NOT have the similarity score more than 25% (and normally should be less than 20%). The first item in the list should have the similarity <= 2%. Any proceedings fails to meet this requirement will be immediately REJECTED. However, any proceedings which are rejected by plagiarism reason will be allowed to re-submit those papers if the authors modify their papers to have the similarity score lowers than 25%.
- The iGST2024 academic committee will select 10-20 best full papers submitted to the conference for publishing as original research articles in Genomics and Genetics (ISSN 2465-5198) after reformatting to fit the guidelines of the journal.

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All contributions must follow the guideline below:
- All contributions must be original and have not been submitted or published elsewhere in largely identical forms. Contributions that contain plagiarized content are unacceptable and, if detected, will normally lead to rejection. The submitting author is responsible for informing all co-authors about the submission and its final results.
- The abstract should be in the form of text, no more than 250 words long. If your abstract is accepted, it will be included in our online abstract link that will be distributed to all conference participants.
- Full papers should be no more than 7 pages and may include one or more figures/tables as appropriate.
- Full papers must be prepared in Microsoft Word (doc/docx) using the provided templates, which can be downloaded from the iGST2024 website. The final submission, after the revision of full papers, has to be submitted in both Microsoft Word (doc/docx) and PDF formats.
- All sections must be written in English only.
Oral/Poster Presentation Guidelines
Information for Oral Presentation
- The presentation must be in English
- All PowerPoint presentations must use Microsoft Office, Windows 10.
- Presentations are scheduled in 15-minute time blocks. Each presentation is limited to 12 minutes plus 2 minutes for questions. The remaining 1 minute allows enough time to transition to the next speaker.
Information for Poster Presentation
- The poster must be in English.
- Use a type size and font that will be easily readable.
- The content of the poster should cover title, abstract, objectives, methodology, results, discussions and conclusion.
- The poster board size should be 80 cm width and 120 cm height.
- The conference logo must be included.
- The poster section begins on May 31st, 2024, from 15:10 to 16:30. All posters should be placed on the provided board before 13:00.
For revisions or queries regarding papers already submitted
If you do not receive acknowledgment for your abstract submission, or if you wish to make any essential revisions to an abstract already submitted, please do not resubmit your abstract, as this may lead to duplication. Please contact the Scientific Committee at with details of any revisions or queries. Please quote your reference number if you have one.